Christmas Greetings from Africa...

Christmas feels just a little bit different this year. The snow that I was so use to has been replaced with sand and freezing temperatures with quite comfortable ones. There have been Christmas decorations in the large grocery stores, but in a country that is predominantly Muslim, it's just another holiday.
For the Christian Nigeriens, the celebrations are centered around their churches, not families. Christmas Eve services can last until midnight and then they are back Christmas morning for another service and feast.
The greatest change this Christmas is not celebrating it with my family, and although this isn't our first Christmas can still be lonely. Yet as I think about that first Christmas celebrated in a small stable in Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph were family, no Christmas dinner, and no pile of presents. But they were holding the greatest gift that mankind has ever been given....a Saviour.
I am so thankful for the missionary committee here that has been so generous in opening up their homes to make sure that everyone has some place to celebrate Christmas.
Thank you for your prayers, support, cards and packages. I appreciate them all so much.
Merry Christmas to you and your families.
May God continue to bless and use you throughout 2014.


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