So Begins Another School Year...

Here we go- year 49 of life, year 27 of teaching and year 4 at Sahel Academy and so begins another school year. Although I am a bit late in writing this blog as we have been in school for a few weeks now. It has been great to see our returning students and learn the names of our new ones. This year we have 154 students at Sahel Academy. I am just teaching one class this year- grade 6 Ancient History (my favourite!!)
 This summer our new covered court arrived and was assembled. We are so thankful for all those who came to put our court together.

The new elementary wing and elementary principal's office are beginning to take shape. There have been a few set backs along the way. We are hoping to move in during Christmas break. It is so exciting to see the progress being made.
Please continue to pray for the safety of those working.
Our most urgent need for staffing is for a facilities manger. Prayers are appreciated as we spread the word and wait on God's timing to send us the right person. 


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