Welcome to my Kitchen...

Preparing meals in Niger is......challenging. The produce, that has been bought at the local market, needs to be soaked in a solution of bleach and water for 20 minutes. Then rinsed with filtered water, lettuce needs to be rinsed especially well.....lesson learned just recently. There is no microwave in the kitchen....so planning meals ahead of time is a must.
Rice is aplenty here. Before cooking the rice, it needs to be rinsed several times to dispose of the weevils that might be abiding in the bag. Freezing the bag after purchasing, it kills the larvae, so we just need to get rid of the adult black bugs. Flour is frozen and then sifted before use to avoid and critters in the baking.
Pork is now available here, surprising for a mostly Muslim country. You can buy your chicken frozen at the grocery store or alive at the local market. I prefer the frozen kind, no defeathering required.
I have a gas stove for the first time. I'm trying to improve my record of 4 matches to light 1 burner.....I think I'll blame it on the matches.
I'm sure more cooking stories will follow...


  1. Sounds like the easiest weight loss plan ever!!....you are one brave lady Bev :)

  2. Yikes, not sure if I like all the work involved with bleaching and washing everything for many minutes! We are truly spoiled here in Canada!


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