Over the past two decades, I've had the privilege of directing many Christmas programs. Some simple and others more elaborate and all shared a common theme- the celebration of the One who came to die for our sins.
"Signs of Christmas" is one of my favourites. So when it was time to consider what we would do here at Sahel, that's the one I chose. There was a bit of tweaking to be done to add speaking parts for the 80+ students in our elementary. Lots of practice time to learn the songs and saying the lines.

Last Sunday night, we presented it to a hall packed full of family and friends. The message of the gospel was clearly presented through the songs and lines of the students and my prayer is that seeds were planted in the hearts of those who needed to hear this good news. That is what Christmas is about after all, isn't it? Good news. Gabriel came to Mary with....good news, God has chosen you. The angels told the shepherds...good news, the Saviour has been born. The wise men followed the star.....good news, it lead them to the King of Kings. Let's not get so wrapped up in the busyness of this time of year, that we forget to pause and reflect on the good news that our sins are forgiven and the debt has been paid. Now that's good news!
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