Lunchtime at Sahel

This week, I thought I would show you some of our students at lunch time. We have a hot lunch program here at Sahel. A lady who owns her own restaurant delivers hot lunches to the students each day. On today's menu is meat sandwiches....yummy.
There are 23 different countries represented at our school. Many of the students have parents who are serving as missionaries here in Niger: planting churches, working out in the surrounding villages, or in the local hospitals. All with the common goal of sharing the good news of the gospel with the people of Niger.
I have so enjoyed getting to know each of the students in elementary. It has be fun to sub in their classes. This week I had the opportunity to teach PE to some of them.

Friday is buddy day at Sahel, the secondary students are paired up with the elementary students. They eat lunch together and then play games. It is a great time of fun for all.
These are just a few of the smiling faces that make my day as I walk about the campus.


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