My First Visitors....

I love sharing about my work here at Sahel Academy when I am back on the other side of the ocean. And although I try my best to show pictures and give descriptions that depict life here in Niger until one smells the sandy, polluted air and sees both the harshness and beauty of this third world country, it is hard to get a real picture of what life is like here.
So when visitors come, it is so exciting! They get to see and experience Niger!

Pastor Randy Casey from Festus, Missouri came to speak at our staff retreat, but even before that was busy teaching Bible is various elementary and high school classes. I met Pastor Casey through my friend Carla and his church, Ketha Heights Baptist is one of my supporting churches.
And it just so happened that my Stuart decided to tag along with Pastor Randy.
It was so great to be able to share my life here in Niger with these two. We were so blessed by all the goodies they brought. Stuart helped out on some maintenance projects at the school while he was here. We went to a local orphanage and the guys were taken on a tour of their facilities. We enjoyed seeing a huge herd of giraffes at a reserve just outside of Niamey. It was a busy and fun filled 10 days.
So who's coming next???


  1. I spent one week in Niamey, Niger. It was then that my heart was fully lost to this place. You're so right when you say it's impossible to get others to understand what it's like there. One day, in God's time, I believe I will return to the place my heart yearns for.


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