And the Liebster Award Goes To.....

I was nominated by my neighbour and fellow blogger to participate in the Liebster Award, a getting-to-know-you challenge. Nancy gave me 10 questions to answer, so those who read my blog can get to know me better. So are you ready? Here we go.....

1. What is the most difficult thing for you about blogging?
- I would have to say, coming up with new ideas. I started blogging when I came to Niger, so I could share this experience with the folks back home and friends around the world. Trying to think of new things to share can be challenging.

2. What is your pet peeve?
- People who pull out in front of you when driving and then slow down.....really dislike that!

3. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
- I have been blessed to have seen a lot of places, but there are still some on my bucket list. Scotland- would love to see the castles there. Greece- for the beautiful beaches and I would really like to walk on the Great Wall of China.

4. What book has influenced you the most (other than the Bible) and why?
- I would have to say The Prodigal God by Tim Keller, it was very thought provoking and convicting. An excellent read if you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend it.

5. If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?
- Of course most of us wish we could lose those extra pounds magically or be taller. When I was a kid, I would scrub and scrub my face in the hopes that my freckles would disappear, but they would always return. If I could I would like to change my hands, my Mom had lovely hands....I have often wished I had inherited ones like hers.

6. What is your favourite verse?
- There have been many that God has used at different points in my life and in different situations, but my life verse has always been I Chronicles 28:20.....And David said to his son Solomon, Be strong and brave and do the work. Don't be afraid or discouraged, because the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or leave you until all the work for the house of the Lord is finished.

7. What was your most embarrassing moment?
- Ah, there are so many to choose from....okay, here are the top two....1) falling down the stairs at Pensacola Christian College and having my dress fly up over my head. It only lasted about 5 seconds but seemed like forever. 2) going roller skating with my youth group and stopping to get a drink at a water fountain only to lose my balance and grab a hold of whoever was behind me to keep from was a total stranger....a cute guy and I had a fist full of his shirt in my pocket.

8. If you could meet any historical figure, who would you choose and why?
- Biblical figure would be Mary, can't wait to have a long chat with her in heaven about her life. Historical, I would have to say Abraham Lincoln...I find his life very interesting. From humble beginnings to being a president, it is said that he was quite a storyteller....I would enjoy a chat with him very much.

9. Do you enjoy taking risks?
- Yes, I would say most of the time I do, but I would like to be somewhat aware of the possible outcome.

10. What was the best thing that happened to you today?
- I am writing this blog on Sunday and I really enjoy my Sundays. For me, they are a day to rest and get recharged for the coming week. I listen to a sermon from home, read, go for a morning walk, and just enjoy a slow and easy day that finishes by going to NEWS (Niamey English Worship Service).

Here are 10 random facts about me......
1. I love being outside and enjoying God's scenery.
2. Enjoy gardening and digging in the dirt.
3. I enjoy doing puzzles.....500 piece ones are my favourite.
4. I love me a good cup of tea, not the fruity kinds though.
5. I always wanted to be a teacher even when I was little, I would pretend I was a teacher by putting on my Mom's shoes and having a class full of stuffed toys.
6. I love to travel and visit new places....I have been to 18 different countries so far.
7. I hate spiders....really don't like them at all...traumatic childhood experience.
8. I have an earring fetish....can't resist getting more, they seem to call out to me.
9. I love going yard saling with my sister. Love finding a bargain.
10. I really like the smell of crayons and a just-sharpened pencil.....mmmmm, smells so good


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