Travelling to Ouagadougou...

Are you ready for a West African geography lesson? If you travel southwest of Niger, you will come to one of the smaller African countries called Burkina Faso. As our Christmas break started, 4 other teachers and I made the 8 hour trek to Ouagadougou (pronounced Waugadogoo) to pick up a couple of photocopiers for the school, do some shopping and enjoy a lot of laughs.
There were certainly some entertaining sites to see as we drove along the highway. On one van a guy was actually sitting on a motorcycle that was on top of the van.
One of the highlights was shopping at the artisan village...
I am so impressed with the creativity of the people of West Africa They can recycle, reuse and turn something ordinary, like plastic bags, into something beautiful.
What better way to end the day than with a yummy dessert! We had a great time of fun and fellowship. We praise the Lord for safe travels over very bumpy roads.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support over this past year. Merry Christmas to you and your families. Enjoy the time that you share together and the memories that you make. May God continue to bless you in 2015.


  1. For a second there I thought I was going to get a geography lesson on Barkina where Bev is queen.


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