Let's Celebrate...

Friends....does a person immediately come to your mind when you hear that word? I am so thankful for the friends that the Lord has blessed me with. Each new place, brings new faces and friendships.
This week my friend and co-worker, Kathy Miller, celebrated  her 60th birthday...
We celebrated in style by driving 2 hours outside the city to a hotel by Park W, a wildlife park bordering three countries, Niger, Benin and Barkina Faso.
The rooms were quite nice. The highlight of our stay was a lovely waterfall behind the hotel.

On the morning of Kathy's birthday, we headed out before the sun rose to explore Park W.
What a beautiful morning it was to enjoy the scenery that our God created.
We saw a huge herd of water buffalo...
wart hogs, monkeys, deer-like creatures, and birds of every size and shape.
It was a lovely way to celebrate the birthday of a good friend.
Thank you, my friend,  for reading my blog and following along on my journey here in Niger. Your friendship is a blessing.


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