Help Needed...

This week I thought I would show you the reason why we are here.....the students.
We are here for the families of these missionary provide them with a great education so they will be prepared to return to their home country for home assignment or when they graduate.

All the staff here at Sahel come as missionaries, supported by individuals and churches from their home countries.

I am so thankful for the prayer and financial support that I have received so far. What a blessing you all have been! Thank you for having a part in the education of these precious lives.
For those of you who would like more information on how to donate and support my work here, you can visit the Teach Beyond website, Go to donate and follow the directions for donating. You can give a one time gift or choose to give monthly. Each donation is tax deductible. Any amount will help me reach my goal of being fully supported.
Thank you for your help.
Please pray for me as I seek God's will for future decisions.


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