Bubbles and Laughter...

Exciting things happened at the Remar orphanage this summer. The girl's home that was being built just outside the city limits, was completed and the girls, Pastor Paul and his family moved in. Thanks to the many who donated the home has gardens, goats, and chickens. It is Pastor Paul's hope that it will be self-sustaining.
So we will travel to the boy's home this year to visit with the kids. Bubbles are a hit everywhere, I love hearing their laughter as they blow huge bubbles. They are always quick to say, "Look, Auntie"...in French, of course.
Our secondary students did an amazing job planning our time at the orphanage with introductions, games and an object lesson telling about God's love for us. Everyone made a bracelet as a reminder of that promise.
Most cows eat grass, but here in Niger....well, they eat what they can find. I guess you could say they are our waste management crew.


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