There are Some Grass Huts Here....

Most of the houses outside the city are made of mud, like this one. I took this picture as we were slowed for a speed bump on the way to Park W. There were several villages along the way where you could stop to by a snack or a "fresh" cut of meat.
Although I don't live in a grass hut, thank the Lord, there are many who do. This village along the Niger River is composed mainly of grass huts and mud homes too.

The grass huts on stilts are used to house grain.... the stilts help to keep the animals out.
Houses in the city are surrounded by walls and gates, so it is difficult to tell what they look like. This is my gate, looking at in from the inside.
The yards aren't quite like the ones back home. Some have grass, like my neighbour's, others have sand and some have concrete.
Here's my backyard which contains one very important feature....a clothesline. With the West African sunshine, clothes take no time at all to dry on the line. Lizards are common sights on these walls, as long as they stay outside, they are more than welcome.


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