On Your Mark..

As a teacher there are days in the school year that are highlights....the first day of school, the last day of school and throughout the school year a few days that pop out as memorable, Field Day is one of those days for me.
Part of it is seeing the teams with a mix of elementary and secondary students...

hearing their team cheers as we start the day. But I think my favourite part of the day, is hearing the students encourage each other as they run, jump or throw. The Stadium echoed with applause and cheers.
Staff and parents come out to help with events, times, passing out snacks and lunch and of course, rooting for their students and children.
At the end of the day, we're still smiling....a bit sun-burned, very thirsty, in need of the bathroom (the ones in the Stadium are not very nice) but it was a fun day with lots of laughter and many memories  made.


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