Things That Make You Go Hmmmmmm....

Have you ever seen something that just made you go, "Hmmmmm, I wonder why or how they did that? Well, that has definitely happened to me many times during my time here in West Africa. Some things I have been able to get pictures of and some I will have to just tell you about....
Hmmm, is that a truck load of head and hooves? Why, yes it is....Beth and I saw this as we were driving home from yesterday's 5K. They were stopped in the middle of the road as a few hooves had tried to escape.
Not sure if I even want to know what they are going to do with all those parts....
Hmmmm, what are they carrying on the back of their motorcycles? Well, pretty much anything here- a slab of meat, a windshield, a steel beam, a family of name it and I bet that it has been carried on a motorcycle here.
  Hmmm, is that a doctor's mask? Yup, here they are used when it is "cold" or dusty. While driving along a bumpy road, you might see pot holes filled with garbage....that makes you go....hmmm, I hope there is nothing sharp in that pile.
Here are just a few of the things that make me go hmmmmm, did I really see that? Not even going to mention the bathroom breaks I see, that's more like a "oh my" look away. 


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