Out into the Village...

When my neighbours, John and Nancy DeValve, mentioned that they were going to go out to visit some folks in the town Téra, where they use to live. I asked if I could tag along and see what life is like in an African village.

John and Nancy got to visit with a neighbour and the lady that use to be their house help and I got to meet some amazing women, who work so hard to provide for their families. The young girl in the top picture was cooking rice for lunch in their "kitchen".
I was so humbled by the hospitality of everyone we went to visit. We given the best chairs to sit in or mats on the floor, whichever they had. The lady in the picture above had prepared lunch for us. A tasty dish of rice and meat which we dug into with our fingers....no utensils here. It was finger licking good!
This young man is helping his father with his fishing line. Most of the men in surrounding villages are farmers or fishermen if they live close to the river. The Niger River is the only permanent river in the country, the rest dry up during hot season.
It was such a privilege to meet, have tea with and pray with this Christian family.
Wherever we went, children seemed to follow...curious about the white visitors. Although they look serious in the picture, I soon had them smiling and laughing as I shook their hands and curtsied teaching them French and English phrases.
This church was built by the village in 2004 about 15 people attend and most of them are men.
 The ladies of the village were grinding corn for their supper, so they let me have a crack at it. I definitely need to practice.
Some men were playing cards in a hut, while others were playing this game which is very much like Connect Four, only they have to get three in a row.
Pray for the churches and Christians in Niger.....there are still so many villages that have never heard the good news that Jesus loves and died for them.


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