
This week Muslims around the world celebrated their second most important holiday.....Tabaski. It commemorates the time when Abraham almost offered Ishmael as a sacrifice. Yes, you read that correctly, according to the Koran, it was Ishmael that was offered not Isaac.
During Tabaski, the call to prayer has been heard regularly throughout the city. Families get together for a time of celebration. The shops are all closed and the streets are quieter than usual.
Since God gave a ram to replace "Ishmael", then ram is on the menu for Tabaski. A good, meaty one could cost a family over $600.....that's a lot of ram. After it is killed, it is put on a cross and roasted all day long. The guard next door was quite proud of his roasting rams when I asked if I could take his picture.
These men were preparing a large community roast, there were at least four rams on crosses and several more that needed to be put on the roasting sticks.
I found it interesting that the sacrificial ram was placed on a reminded me of the Perfect Lamb that died on the cross for my sins.
 On this holiday, these goats were very thankfully that they weren't rams.


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